International Team of United States and Dominican Republic Attorneys Focused on Assisting Tourists and Other Guests Each year, over 2 million United States citizens visit the Dominican Republic, along with over 250,000 German citizens, over 170,000 United Kingdom...
Firm News
Inheriting in Florida
When a loved one dies, whether expectedly or not, we find ourselves facing questions about that person’s final wishes. Outside the obvious funerary preparations, we also find ourselves having to disburse the deceased’s assets. Here at Urban Thier & Federer, we...
Inheriting in New York
When a loved one dies, whether expectedly or not, we find ourselves facing questions about that person’s final wishes. Outside the obvious funerary preparations, we also find ourselves having to disburse the deceased’s assets. Here at Urban Thier & Federer, we...
Buying a Business in New York
In the work that we do with commercial businesses here at Urban Thier & Federer, we regularly work with clients who seek to buy a business in New York. Obviously buying a business in New York, as in any other state, is not like buying a new or used car. Such a...
Buying a Business in Florida
In the work that we do with commercial businesses here at Urban Thier & Federer, we regularly work with clients who seek to buy a business in Florida. Obviously buying a business in Florida, as in any other state, is not like buying a new or used car. Business...
Understanding Florida Real Estate for Foreign Buyers
What Foreign Investors Should Know About Buying Houses And Property In Florida Some Rules for Domestic and Foreign Investors in Florida Real Estate: A buyer may select a real estate agent to look for and find the property. In the State of Florida there are two types...
Buying Real Estate in the United States, Part II: Closings
Part II: Closings on residential properties Once a potential buyer located a property in the US which he/she wishes to buy, the next step is to enter into a contract. If the purchase is, for example, to take place in the state of Florida, the Florida Bar and Florida...
Car Insurance for tourists in Florida
Car Insurance for tourists in Florida – What you need to know before you rent a car Car accidents and injuries happen, and insurance may help to protect the parties involved in an accident or other event resulting in personal injury or death, but insurance might not...
International Personal Injury Attorneys & Barristers
The last thing you thought about while planning your vacation or business trip was becoming injured. Unfortunately, injuries do happen while traveling. And injuries outside your home country pose unique issues involving medical treatment, insurance coverage, and...
Tips for Determining a Property’s Legal Status
Tips for Determining a Property’s Legal Status We often receive requests from our international clients for assistance in determining the legal status of a property they own in Florida. Other inquiries are being made because a client thinks a certain property of...